Summer Learning Video Series: Reading Everyday
The Importance of Reading Everyday, With Sarah Stoner
Hi. I'm Sarah, and I am a work from home mom of two kids. And now that summer is coming up, I want to talk a little bit about the importance of reading every single day.
We all know the important benefits of reading. Reading helps kids in school with not only their reading, but their writing as well. It also helps them grow their imagination, creativity and empathy. Sometimes they don't want to get up off their screens, though. You guys know what I'm talking about. So they might just need a little nudge, because research has shown that 90 percent of kids say that they're happiest when they're reading.
So how do we get those kids off those screens and into some books? Well, if your kids are like mine, my kids ask questions all day long. So instead of answering them, I give them books. So what if your kids want to read, but they just don't know what to read? Sometimes, a little bit of a different type of book is better, so graphic books that you can find under Reading A to Z are a great way to get kids to read nonfiction without them really even knowing it. So they'll be answering their own questions, while they're having fun at the same time.
So that's why it's important for kids to read every single day, especially over the summer.
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