Structured Literacy

Building a Foundation for Developing Readers

structured literacy

Structured literacy models are composed of explicit, systematic, sequential lessons for state literacy skills. Learning A-Z offers solutions that provide a wealth of Pre K–6 resources that can be used in a structured literacy setting—from whole-class and small-group instruction to individual practice.

Learning A-Z solutions, such as Foundations A-Z and Raz-Plus, provide a vast collection of resources and a variety of ways to match resources to student development and instructional needs.

Phonological Awareness

Phonological Awareness is the ability to perceive sounds in spoken words and at the phoneme level.

Word Awareness

Syllable Awareness

Onset and Rime

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Isolation

Phoneme Blending

Phoneme Segmentation

Phoneme Manipulation


Phonics teaches the relationship between sounds and letters, which helps students decode and encode words, including multisyllabic words.

Sound-Spelling Relationships

Decoding Practice

Decodable Text

Encoding (Spelling) Practice

High-Frequency Words


Word Study/Morphology

Word Study/Morphology is all about morphemes or the smallest unit of meaning to help students decode and know the meaning of longer, more complex words.

Word Study



Syntax focuses on learning the structures of sentences—the sequence and function of words in a sentence.



Semantics focuses on the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences.


Read Alouds

As you consider utilizing the structured literacy model in your classroom, it is important that you have the right tools by your side.

Support Structured Literacy With Learning A-Z

Explore our extensive literacy suite to see which solutions can simplify the implementation of a structured literacy model.

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