Online Learning for Kids

Achieving Literacy Success With Raz-Plus


In today’s evolving educational environment, one thing remains constant: change. As learning locations have shifted from the classroom to the living room (or a blend of both), the educational journey now requires different styles of instruction as well as suitable tools to accommodate these transitions. During the height of the pandemic, many classrooms simply didn't feel prepared to handle the changes that accompanied the shifts in the learning environment because:

Learning environments continue to change and online learning for kids has become a priority no matter what teaching environment you’re in. Here are a few ways to prepare.

Online Education for Kids: The Future of Literacy

More and more, the sight of students sitting in classrooms or at their kitchen table with an iPad or laptop computer is becoming commonplace. But why? Outside of the natural evolution in technology, online learning programs for kids and education technology that supports them have become increasingly important in today’s educational environment. As students embark on their literacy education journeys, their learning depends upon:

In order to meet these requirements, teachers would have to evaluate the reading level of each student to differentiate instruction, remain attuned to their interest levels and needs, regularly utilize assessments to inform instruction, and more. Unfortunately, most educators simply do not have the time to do so as the typical school day has immensely changed. With students learning from the comfort of home (or a hybrid of remote and in-class education), creating the ideal environment for literacy development has become increasingly difficult.

Introducing Raz-Plus: Online Learning for Kids, In-Class, At-Home, and On-the-Go

We know that it can be extremely overwhelming to not only adapt to a new learning environment, but also achieve the literacy goals created prior to this change. That’s why we created Raz-Plus, a comprehensive, blended learning solution that provides all of the tools you need to achieve literacy success in your classroom. Equipped with thousands of literacy resources, lesson plans, assessments, and a robust digital library, Raz-Plus allows students to:

With Raz-Plus, handling the transitions from in-person to online learning is a breeze! From the classroom to the living room and everything in between, this solution provides online learning tools for literacy success.

Literacy Resources for Online Learning

Explore a library filled with a wide range of digital books and interactive activities that make online learning a breeze. Try Raz-Plus FREE for 14 days!

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