Support Hybrid Learning Anytime, Anywhere

Thousands of Resources and Tools for Hybrid Classrooms

Support Hybrid Learning with Learning A-Z

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed education models throughout the United States, leading many schools to adopt a hybrid learning model with students learning both in the classroom and at home. Ideally suited to hybrid education, Learning A-Z products help students succeed in reading, writing, vocabulary, and science while gaining crucial 21st century skills. For students, caregivers, teachers, and school leaders navigating these new developments in education, Learning A-Z products are the perfect tools for keeping students engaged and excited about learning in any setting.

What Is Hybrid Learning?

The term “hybrid learning” refers to an educational model combining remote and in-person attendance. Usually characterized by an instructor teaching simultaneous remote and in-person students with video conferencing and other digital tools, hybrid learning combines virtual and in-person elements. Remote students may be at home in the same community or may join the class remotely from the other side of the globe, depending on the nature of the class. Successful hybrid learning benefits from careful planning, custom-tailoring instruction to the format.

While many uncertainties remain about how classrooms will work moving forward, one popular option continues to be some form of hybrid learning. In some schools, groups of students may attend class on alternating days to encourage social distancing, taking class at home on the other days. Staggered and rotated scheduling also accommodates small class sizes. Other schools may give students and caregivers the option to take class online whenever they choose.

How Is Hybrid Learning Different From Blended Learning?

These terms are often used interchangeably, but while they can overlap, hybrid learning and blended learning are not the same thing. Blended learning classes combine synchronous elements like face-to-face instruction or group interaction with asynchronous digital elements like prerecorded videos or online assignments for students to complete at home or on their own time. Hybrid learning refers specifically to a method of instruction combining in-person and remote attendance at the same time, but hybrid learning models can feature blended learning by using asynchronous or digital methods to supplement synchronous or face-to-face instruction.

What Are Some of the Benefits of Hybrid Learning?

Hybrid learning models offer additional benefits beyond safety, like the ability to personalize instruction for students at different levels with a variety of resource formats, seamless monitoring of student progress, and accessibility of learning tools anytime, anywhere.

Because in-person and remote learning both have strengths and weaknesses, hybrid learning attempts to constantly improve upon any weak spots and combine the best strengths of both formats. By creating a flexible learning environment, hybrid learning gives educators incredible flexibility in everything from schedule and mode to materials and communication, with the goal of consistently resulting in improved outcomes. So gather the resources and materials you want to use and then try following our three-step guide!

How to Start Using Hybrid Learning Successfully in Three Steps

1. Set reachable goals.

What do you hope to accomplish with hybrid learning? Set realistic long- and short-term goals for yourself, your class, and each of your students. Decide how you’ll assess these goals and structure your classwork accordingly. Ensure that you have all the materials in place to conduct hybrid learning (from technology and connectivity to funding and resources) and that your school or district supports you in your endeavors, ideally with a knowledgeable team who have experience implementing hybrid learning environments. Once you know what your goals look like and how you’ll assess your students’ progress, create a visual timeline including subjects, resources, activities, and any other steps in chronological order. This practice will help you spot places you can make the best use of hybrid learning tools.

Pro tip: Give yourself plenty of planning time to ensure that you’re doing each of your assignments and activities in the best format as part of your hybrid environment.

2. Decide what needs to be done synchronously or in person.

Which of your goals will be best addressed by synchronous or in-person activities? Think about how you’ll schedule or save face-to-face time, whether in the classroom or virtually over video, for activities that benefit most from it, like presentations, collaborative activities, brainstorming sessions, group discussions, games, one-on-one meetings or chats, group projects, etc.

Pro tip: For many of these activities this synchronous facetime can occur either in-person or virtually. With some students in the classroom and others learning from home, educators can still use video conferencing and other digital tools to connect students with one another for these kinds of activities.

3. Decide what can be done asynchronously or online.

Most personal assignments will be completed remotely and/or virtually. Much of the information that makes up your instruction can be delivered digitally in a hybrid learning environment. A hybrid class can include online activities like self-paced learning, completing digital assignments, taking online quizzes, participating in asynchronous group conversations or discourse, writing answers to questions, watching videos, listening to recordings, and anything else that’s done online or outside the classroom. Keep these options in mind as you finalize your plans and build your hybrid learning environment.

How Can Learning A-Z Resources Be Used for Hybrid Learning Programs?

Reaching every student effectively within a hybrid learning model requires the right teaching tools. Learning A-Z hybrid learning tools help educators teach core curriculum subjects in fun ways that students of all ages respond to. When they enjoy learning, students also better retain information and demonstrate greater success in achieving learning objectives.

Can Hybrid Learning Tools Offer Flexibility in a Variety of Formats?

Learning A-Z digital resources are delivered entirely online, so teachers, students, and caregivers can access them anytime from any connected device. Resources can also be printed, projected, and used anywhere, saving teachers time and ensuring at-home students have access to whatever they need at all times. By using a smartphone or other mobile device, students can even learn on the go, giving them more fun opportunities to gain knowledge with hybrid learning.

Are Hybrid Leveled Resources Helpful for Differentiating Instruction?

Leveled resources make it easier and more effective for teachers to differentiate instruction. Managing students at different learning levels and in different locations can be challenging for instructors, but with digital leveled resources, teachers can easily ensure that each student is learning at the best pace for them, wherever they are. No one is overlooked or left behind if they’re struggling to understand a concept, while advanced students have no limit on how quickly or how far they can progress.

Is Learning Always Available? Are Hybrid Learning Tools Customizable?

Ensure students don’t miss a beat in their education. Learning A-Z hybrid learning platforms give students access to educational materials 24/7, with a huge library of developmentally appropriate learning materials at their fingertips, wherever they have an internet connection.

With thousands of tools and resources that help teachers customize instruction to the unique needs of each student. Instructors can instantly access resources that meet a variety of teaching settings, including teaching small groups, whole classrooms, and individual students.

How Does Learning A-Z Support Parents And Caregivers?

In hybrid learning models, parents and caregivers play a more important role in their child’s education. Learning A-Z tools, platforms, and resources keep students’ at-home learning constantly updated, featuring an easy-to-use interface so caregivers can confidently provide educational support at home.

How Is Progress Reporting and Monitoring Done With Hybrid Learning?

Learning A-Z products come with built-in progress reporting and monitoring. Teachers can view and easily interpret students’ progress with at-home and in-class learning. These reports save teachers time and increase transparency for students and parents.

What Does Hybrid Learning Look Like?

Education Week details four types of potential hybrid learning models:

  1. In-person attendance for students with specialized needs, including low-income or vulnerable students, students in special education, English language learners, students in foster care, or students who are homeless, with all other students as remote learners
  2. In-person attendance for core courses like math, science, English, social studies, history, or foreign languages, with electives taken online
  3. In-person attendance for elementary students, with high school students learning remotely
  4. In-person attendance half of the day with the other half online, dividing students into groups with staggered schedules to maintain social distancing while at school

These are only a few of the many ways hybrid learning can be structured. But in every hybrid learning model, the digital component plays a significant role.

Luckily, at Learning A-Z, digital is our cornerstone. In the classroom and at home, Learning A-Z digital products are the ideal support for all hybrid learning models, while helping teachers meet the needs of each and every one of their students.

Use Learning A-Z for Hybrid Learning Success

Learning A-Z provides thousands of digital resources to help educators and students with hybrid learning, including leveled reading books, leveled science books and science experiments, vocabulary lessons, mobile reading programs, writing resources, English language learner resources, and much more.

As schools transition to hybrid learning models, ensure students have access to educational materials they’ll love using. Make learning enjoyable in the classroom, at home, and wherever students learn, with hybrid learning tools from Learning A-Z.

Find out how Learning A-Z can help your students succeed with hybrid learning!

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