How the Powerful Duo Works In A Literacy Block

Using Foundations A-Z and Raz-Plus in a Single Literacy Lesson


Watch how seamlessly Foundations A-Z and Raz-Plus work together to cover foundational skills and analytical reading skills in a single literacy lesson.

Foundations A-Z provides a systematic, explicit instructional pathway based on the Science of Reading to teach all foundational skills. Raz-Plus develops reading comprehension, higher-order thinking skills, content area knowledge, and independent reading. Together, these complementary solutions empower educators to choose the resources that best suit their students’ needs.

Learn more about this Powerful Duo.


>> With the powerful duo of Foundations A-Z and Raz-Plus, educators can build critical foundational skills and deepen comprehension with this complete literacy solution. By using Foundations A-Z and Raz-Plus together, teachers can seamlessly address each individual strand of Scarborough's Reading Rope in a single day of literacy instruction. Let's take a look at a Sample Structured Literacy Block that uses the Foundations A-Z scope and sequence. In this Sample Literacy Block for Grades K through 1, the powerful duo can support your whole class, small group and independent practice whether you have 90 minutes or 120. This comprehensive chart allows you to plan your lessons based on the focus area, estimated length of time you'll need to complete instruction, the type of Learning A-Z program that guides that instruction and the list of recommended resources. Whole-class instruction with embedded differentiation is divided into three sections: Foundational Skills Components, Analytical Reading Components and Grammar for Grade One. Since the first focus area, Shared Reading, is a Foundational Skills component, let's head over to and check it out. Once you're logged in, go to the main menu and select Lesson Plans. Within the specific unit and module you're working on, teach from the daily lesson plan. The lessons allow you to incorporate shared reading into many of the sections like Set the Stage, I DO: Teach and Closure. When you're ready to move on to the next foundational skill, you can stay in your current unit or module. You can target phonological awareness, phonics, print concepts or fluency, teaching from the I DO: Teach and WE DO: Guided Practice sections of the Foundations A-Z lesson plan. Once you've completed the Foundational Skills components with your whole class, it's time to target the Analytical Reading components. Here's where Raz-Plus joins Foundations A-Z to become the powerful duo, reinforcing and advancing literacy instruction in your classroom. What makes these solutions a powerful duo is that you can use Raz-Plus strategically on-topic with what's being covered in Foundations A-Z. It's time for us to head over to, search and pull the resources you need from the Resources Drawer or search bar. We can do this with the Read Aloud component by sorting through the Raz-Plus library with over 2,000 books at different levels of text complexity. You can search for complex texts above your students' grade level to model fluency and practice skills like Digging Deep. Specify your search by level and grade range. From here, you can select the book or books of your choice. To support the next analytical reading component, Reading for Understanding, we can navigate to Shared Reading using the resource drawer and select Level Text, followed by Shared Reading. You have access to an extensive collection of books, available in different reading levels, topics and genres. There are quite a lot of options to choose from. Grade K Whole Group Instruction is now complete. If you're a grade-one teacher, you can wrap up your Whole Class Instruction with grammar practice using the Daily Language Practice resources in Raz-Plus. To complete your small group instruction and independent practice, you'll be able to find resources the same way you did for whole-class instruction by pairing the complete lesson support Foundations A-Z provides with the over 50,000 resources available in Raz-Plus. This sample structured literacy block uses the Foundations A-Z scope and sequence. We also have a recommended literacy block for educators who want to blend another scope and sequence with Foundations A-Z and Raz-Plus resources. The powerful duo combines the Foundational Skills lesson plans and comprehension resources you need to support all students where they need it most. Experience the full power of this duo and build complete literacy proficiency in your classroom. Learn more today.