Science A-Z Overview

Learn How Science A-Z Provides a Robust Collection of Resources That Blend Science and Literacy Instruction

Science A-Z is an award-winning product that provides resources and tools that integrate science and reading into one captivating curriculum that develops students’ ELA skills and scientific literacy. Watch this video to see how the product’s resources allow teachers to easily differentiate instruction and provide hands-on learning experiences.

Scientific literacy is vital to preparing the workforce of tomorrow to meet the ever-increasing demands for expertise in science and innovation.

Science A-Z is an award-winning K-6 product that delivers thousands of high-quality, affordable resources for students and teachers. Students increase their scientific literacy while also developing key reading skills. This blended approach to science and reading instruction empowers teachers with the tools they need to teach both subjects at once.

Science A-Z units provide breadth and depth of science content, plus countless opportunities for literacy practice, including writing, speaking, and listening. Resources can be printed or projected, and many student materials are offered as digital eResources to foster independent practice.

Many reading materials are available at multiple reading levels to support differentiated instruction.

Units are organized into grade spans within each scientific domain. With dozens of resources offered in each unit. Multilevel nonfiction books provide an introduction to core science concepts and the specialized vocabulary of science. Each level of the book is accompanied by a corresponding quiz.

Hands on Process Activities engage students in science experiments and investigations. Investigation Packs foster close reading as students demonstrate the 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.

High-interest FOCUS Books were designed with the Next Generation Science Standards in mind, including a book quiz and an open-ended challenge that engages students in key science and engineering practices.

There’s a collection of science videos with accompanying discussion questions, helping students learn about science content from a variety of media sources.

Finally, with Project-Based Learning Packs, students participate in an open-ended, team-based science or engineering project.

All Science A-Z resources are created to help students satisfy standards in both science and language arts.

Using the Kids A-Z eLearning platform, students can improve their scientific literacy and reading skills anytime, anywhere. Students have access to their customized unit assignment, which is full of engaging interactive eResources. As well as an independent science library, which fuels their natural curiosity about science topics.

Students access their eResources in an interactive, kid-friendly environment where they can: listen to the content while viewing highlighted words and phrases; read the book at their own pace; record themselves reading aloud; use an assortment of interactive tools and features that promote close reading and critical thinking; and take a corresponding e-quiz to evaluate scientific and reading comprehension.

Science A-Z also makes it easy for you to manage student online progress using the Kids A-Z portal. You can easily monitor each student’s progress through the assigned unit; the number of resources read and viewed; quiz scores; and performance on reading comprehension skills. You can listen to the student’s practice recordings and assess their constructed response quiz items.

Every student is curious about the world around them. Science A-Z fosters that curiosity and helps you light the spark that can lead to a lifetime of learning about science. By getting kids excited about STEM subjects from an early age, and by helping them develop the reading and science skills they’ll need, you can prepare children for success in school and to fill important roles in the careers of tomorrow.

Start using Science A-Z in your classroom today!