Raz-Plus Foundational Skills One Sheet

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Studies show that students who can read proficiently by 3rd grade are more likely to graduate from high school and go on to college. While there are many important components to literacy development, the backbone of proficient reading is formed by the foundational skills learned in the primary grades.

Raz-Plus provides young learners with differentiated, “just right” resources, to help you set your students up for success with a strong foundation in reading.

How Raz-Plus Resources Develop Foundational Skills

Books, Practice Sheets, and Chants provide students with resources to recognize, name, and form letters, in order to read and write.

Phonological Awareness
Phonological Awareness Lessons introduce skills, have students practice and apply them, then incorporate a Read-Aloud Book to extend the lesson and support student understanding.

Teach phonics effectively using explicit, systematic instruction and practice with books, lessons, and activities.

High-Frequency Words
High-Frequency Word Books and Flashcards help students learn and recognize the most commonly used words.

Build oral fluency, accuracy, expression, and comprehension with Fluency Practice Passages and Reader’s Theater Scripts.


Measure student progress and improve learning with easy-to-use Alphabet, High-Frequency Word, and Benchmark assessment tools.

Additional Resources and Features to Support Foundational Skills Development

Leveled Books
Leveled Books at 29 levels of difficulty provide students the opportunity to practice foundational skills and reading strategies in context. Access every book in multiple formats to truly strengthen the connection between what is being taught and what students are practicing.

Tutoring & Mentoring Packs
Convenient, well-organized packs supply teachers, parents, and tutors with resources that address each student’s specific learning needs.

Kids A-Z Platform
Kids A-Z is an engaging learning portal where students can listen, read, record themselves reading, and take comprehension quizzes.

Shared Reading Books
Shared Reading books support the building of a variety of literacy and foundational skills.

Learning Centers
Learning Centers give students the opportunity to practice many foundational skills in a hands-on, engaging way

Detailed individual student and class-wide reports help teachers monitor online activity and growth.

eBook Tools

Digital annotation and journaling tools support close reading, critical thinking, and comprehension.