The Key to a Successful Special Education Program

Match Instruction to Student Level and Learning Style With Learning A-Z Resources

The Key to a Successful Special Education Program

Matching your instruction to each student’s level, learning style, and intelligence type is key to the success of any Special Education (SPED) program. Learning A-Z products deliver a wealth of multilevel and multimodal literacy resources that teachers can personalize to meet the unique needs of each student. In addition, assessment and reporting tools help teachers monitor student progress and inform instruction, and an engaging student eLearning experience with built-in awards and incentives drives student engagement at school and at home.

Differentiate Instruction for Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

The Butterfly Life Cycle multilevel book
Multilevel Content: Use books at 29 levels of complexity along with extensive vocabulary support for skill building and social, collaborative, and hands-on learning.
Learning A-Z resources varied instruction options
Varied Instruction: Implement whole-class, small-group, or one-to-one instruction with resources in printable, projectable, online, and mobile formats.
interactive adaptive Headsprout lesson
Interactivity: Engage students with interactive lessons and tools, adaptive Headsprout episodes, instant feedback on quizzes, and built-in incentives and awards.
audio support for students with Learning A-Z resources
Audio Support: Students build fluency by listening to high-quality natural voice recordings, following along with highlighted text, and clicking to hear vocabulary.
oral support students listen to own recording
Oral Support: Students can record themselves reading, listen to their own recordings, and submit to their teacher for progress monitoring.
visual support for students with image variety
Visual Support: Image variety, including photographs, illustrations, picture cards, and animation support different learning styles.
home-to-school connection with the Parent Portal
Home-to-School Connection: The Parent Portal makes it easy for parents to monitor their child’s progress and ensures that students, parents, and educators are all working toward common goals.

Recognized Solutions for Special Needs Students

raz-plus logo Best Solution for Special Needs Students
2018 SIIA CODiE Winner
Best Solution for Special Needs Students
2018 SIIA CODiE Finalist

raz-kids logo

Best Solution for Special Needs Students
2016 SIIA CODiE Winner

Learn more about how our resources can support your SPED program.

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