May 2018 Issue of Science in the News

Support Literacy with STEM Content

May 2018 Issue of Science in the News

In this issue of Science in the News, students engage in popular news stories that highlight advancements in engineering, life science, and the environment. The cover story of this issue discusses the success behind SpaceX and the Falcon Heavy rocket that was recently launched into space, with its Falcon 9 booster rockets returning precisely to their launch points back on Earth.

Additionally, your students will read about the interesting ways that insects take care of themselves and their peers, as well as about everyday items that are harming our environment, and how companies are adapting these products to be environmentally friendly.

Science in the News photographs and stories take students on adventures through a variety of scientific topics. Each issue is available in versions for early, middle, and upper elementary students. With a subscription to Science A-Z, you can access printable, projectable, and digital eResource versions of each issue.

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