Top 4 Resources Ideal for Summer Use
Summer break means taking the time to unwind, reflect, and even give your students a leg up for the year ahead. Here are the top four ways teachers and students can leverage Learning A-Z resources over the summer.

#1 Encourage Independent Summer Reading With Raz-Kids & Raz-Plus eBooks
What better way to encourage reading growth over the summer than to let kids pick out the books they want to read? Simply assign each student a developmentally appropriate reading level, and give parents and students the information they need to access Raz-Kids or Raz-Plus at home. With online reporting in Raz-Kids and Raz-Plus, you can monitor individual and class-wide progress and transfer that data to their teacher next year.

#2 Bolster Summer Reading Growth With Headsprout
Promote reading growth over the summer with Headsprout! This adaptive program is designed to adjust its instruction to every student's needs, and students can use it anywhere they have internet access. Be sure to check out the Headsprout Interactive Demo here.

#3 Writing A-Z Summer Writing Activities
Writing A-Z Summer Writing activities provide printed handouts for critical writing practice over the summer. These handouts give students the chance to practice writing letters, books, postcards, and posters, and provide helpful tips for parents to foster their child's writing skill development.

#4 Promote Inquiry Over The Summer With Science Literacy Resources
Science A-Z offers multiple types of literacy resources that are assignable by teachers for students to access over the summer, helping students to continue practicing scientific thinking all summer long. Science in the News is a digital periodical that covers the world of science news. Unit Nonfiction Books, offered at three reading levels, provide a broad introduction to key concepts commonly covered in state and national science standards. FOCUS books help students explore high-interest topics related to a specific unit concept.
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