3 Tips to Revamp Your Foundational Skills Instruction

Harnessing the Power of the Science of Reading

3 Tips to Revamp Your Foundational Skills...

In recent years, many districts, schools, and teachers have reassessed the efficacy of their foundational skills curriculum and educational resources to address learning opportunities in the classroom. Specifically, according to the 2022 NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) reading assessment, they’re working to address the fact that only 33% of fourth-grade students performed at or above the NAEP Proficient Level, indicating that elementary reading scores as a whole are a large opportunity. As educators work to address this, they are transitioning to a Science of Reading-aligned curriculum. If you’re also considering doing so, here are three tips for getting started!

1. Consider a New, Science of Reading-Aligned Curriculum, If This Sounds Like You

How do you know when it’s time for a new foundational skills curriculum? Start by asking yourself if your curriculum corresponds with what we know about how children learn to read. If you notice any of these common red flags below, it’s probably time to look for a new curriculum that better supports your students.

2. Bolster A Science of Reading-Aligned Curriculum With Supplements

Whether or not you’re entirely revamping your curriculum, adding helpful research-based components can provide much-needed support.

3. Quality Matters More Than Quantity

Suggestions vary widely about how much time teachers should spend on foundational skills. Should you devote 10 minutes or two hours each day to teaching the alphabet?

Curricular decisions are at the forefront of the educational world right now for two reasons: 1) many schools are aiming to accelerate learning in response to the disrupted instruction of the past four years, and 2) large conversations are examining what science says about reading.

Luckily, following research is the best way to accelerate learning. Want to feel confident you’re making research-based decisions about curricula? Try using these tips as a place to start, and see how these best practices can help you support your students as they build foundational skills.

Revamp Your Foundational Skills Instruction With the Science of Reading

Get to know Foundations A-Z, our award-winning solution for foundational skills instruction that’s built on Science of Reading research.



National Assessment of Educational Progress. (2022). NAEP Report Card: Reading. The Nation’s Report Card. https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading/nation/achievement/?grade=4