Your Pass To A Better 2018!

Everything You Can Do With A Learning A-Z Trial

Learning A-Z Pass to 2017

Get the new year and the new semester off to a positive start with a free 2-week Learning A-Z trial to high-quality resources that both you and your students will love. Our trials allow you to experience how our standards-aligned resources can enhance your classroom while giving you the flexibility to address your students’ needs.

Looking for Reading Resources?


Raz-Plus offers thousands of resources and tools to make blended learning easier and more affordable. With a trial to Raz-Plus, you get access to:

Raz-Plus 2-Week Trial
  • Over 50,000 standards-aligned instructional resources in printable, projectable, and digital forms that keep students engaged in practicing 21 st century skills in large-group, small group, and independent activities.
  • Quizzes, leveled books, lesson plans, activity sheets, and other resources ideal for supporting close reading, phonics, project-based learning, and intervention.
  • Multiple assessment options and access to a web portal that allows you to personalize assignments, manage your student roster, track student progress and communicate digitally with students about their work.
  • An engaging eLearning platform that allows students to interact with the texts they read through highlighting, stamping, notetaking, recording, and listening.
  • An ELL module with research-based resources that guide ELLs in acquiring social and academic English.

See how Raz-Plus’ blended learning resources make it easier to strengthen the connection between what you teach and what students practice.

Free 2-Week Trial {inverse}

Reading A-Z

Reading A-Z provides best-in-class leveled reading resources to easily differentiate instruction. With a trial to Reading A-Z, you get access to:

Reading A-Z 2-Week Trial
  • Printable and projectable resources such as lesson plans, activity sheets, project-based learning packs, discussion cards, and comprehension quizzes.
  • An ELL module with research-based resources that guide ELLs in acquiring social and academic English.
  • Over 1,500 high-interest books at 29 levels, so all students have opportunities to read books they love at the level appropriate for them.
  • Multiple options for teaching 21 st century skills with standards-aligned resources.
  • Assessments that help you identify and address student learning gaps.

Try Reading A-Z today to see how our array of literacy resources make instruction more effective and learning more fun!

Free 2-Week Trial {inverse}


Raz-Kids delivers interactive computer-based and mobile books and quizzes at 29 reading levels. With a Raz-Kids trial, you can:

Raz-Kids 2-Week Trial
  • Differentiate instruction for all learners with leveled books that give students options for recording themselves reading or listening to recorded books.
  • Easily monitor students’ reading progress with online reports while keeping students motivated with digital rewards and incentives.
  • Use reports derived from benchmark assessments, students’ recordings, and eQuizzes to inform future instruction.
  • Engage students in reading a variety of genres, such as serial books, nursery rhymes, fiction, and nonfiction.
  • Connect in-class instruction with at-home practice and keep in touch with students and parents through on-line messaging options.

Explore how Raz-Kids motivates students to read and gives you options for creating home-school literacy connections.

Free 2-Week Trial {inverse}


Headsprout is a research-proven reading program that adapts to each child’s unique learning needs. With a Headsprout trial, you gain access to a reading program that:

Headsprout 2-Week Trial
  • Automatically adapts to a students’ learning speed through an interactive, digital platform.
  • Provides a targeted RtI (response to intervention) solution for struggling readers.
  • Takes non-readers and beginning readers up to a mid-2 nd grade reading level in 30 hours of instruction.
  • Maintains student motivation with rewards and incentives based on learning progress.
  • Scaffolds instruction for comprehension skills, including finding facts, making inferences, identifying themes, and learning vocabulary in context.

Discover how Headsprout can help you reach struggling readers and provide a solid literacy foundation for early readers.

Free 2-Week Trial {inverse}

Looking for ELA Resources?

Writing A-Z

Writing A-Z includes a collection of leveled writing lessons and interactive student writing tools. With a trial to Writing A-Z, you can:

Writing A-Z 2-Week Trial
  • Engage students in creative writing with the online Build-A-Book tool and its functions for prewriting, drafting, editing, illustrating, and publishing.
  • Introduce emergent writers to the fundamentals of writing through scaffolded lesson plans.
  • Guide developing and fluent writers in process writing exercises that allow them to experiment with various genres.
  • Help students plan and draft short compositions and think critically about their own writing with editing guides, graphic organizers, and rubrics.
  • Monitor students’ writing progress and assign activities based on skill development.

If you’re ready to take your writing instruction to the next level, try Writing A-Z today!

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Vocabulary A-Z

Vocabulary A-Z allows you to create custom lesson plans and quizzes that teach vocabulary in context. With a Vocabulary A-Z trial, you get access to:

Vocabulary A-Z 2-Week Trial
  • A database of 15,000+ words and definitions that can complement your current literacy curriculum.
  • A 5-day lesson generator that creates instructional materials based on your own custom word list.
  • Pre-made vocabulary lessons that help students learn vocabulary through context.
  • Comprehensive assessments that encourage students to apply words in speech and writing.
  • Standards-aligned word lists that prepare students for high-stakes tests.

Complete your language arts curriculum with Vocabulary A-Z!

Free 2-Week Trial {inverse}

Looking for Science Resources?

Science A-Z

Science A-Z blends science and reading with a wealth of multilevel readers and engaging activities. With a trial to Science A-Z, you can:

Science A-Z 2-Week Trial
  • Engage students in fun, hands-on experiments that allow students to practice scientific concepts in context.
  • Differentiate instruction in scientific literacy to expand students’ understandings in four domains—Earth and Space Science, Life Science, Physical Science, and Process Science.
  • Encourage curiosity and collaboration with science fair materials and activities.
  • Teach reading through science and science through reading with printable, projectable and digital texts for three learning levels.
  • Evaluate student progress in scientific literacy through assessment options and online reporting.

Watch your students’ appreciation of science grow with Science A-Z!

Free 2-Week Trial {inverse}