Thinking Through Text Comprehension: Part Three

About this Research


This peer-reviewed article focuses on the instructional sequences necessary to create the verbal and investigative repertoires that students need in order to answer reading comprehension questions. Real-life examples from Headsprout Reading Comprehension demonstrate how the program engineers those repertoires and facilitates their application to text comprehension.


The authors elaborate on conditions that need to be in place for reading comprehension to occur, such as:

  • The verbal repertoire of the student must overlap with the verbal repertoire used in the text and questions. Two ways to increase the overlap include providing scaffolding within the text and explicitly teaching key terms.
  • Investigative repertoires that help students generate answers must be present. The paper gives examples of how Headsprout Reading Comprehension teaches investigative repertoires to answer inferential and vocabulary questions.


Leon, M., Layng, T. V. J., & Sota, M. (2011). Thinking through text comprehension III: The programming of verbal and investigative repertoires. The Behavior Analyst Today, 12(1), 22-33.

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