Raz-Kids and Reading Accuracy in Second Graders
About This Research
Second-grade students used Raz-Kids for independent reading practice in this study. Students read electronic books independently in short but frequent Raz-Kids implementations. Running records were used to measure changes in reading accuracy and fluency before and after using Raz-Kids.
Main Findings
Students showed statistically significant gains in words correct per minute (WCPM) after using Raz-Kids. Reading comprehension also improved after using Raz-Kids, although the gains were not statistically significant.
Participants were 17 second-grade students from a rural/urban school district in northern Texas.
Study Design and Procedures
This study used a single-group pre- and posttest design. Students used Raz-Kids for 20 minutes per day for six weeks. During this time, students either read books independently online or completed an assignment given to them by the teacher. Electronic running records served as pre- and posttest to measure words correct per minute and reading comprehension.
Hendrickson, B. (2014). The effectiveness of electronic books in the primary classroom. The Eagle Feather. Retrieved from https://eaglefeather.honors.unt.edu/2014/article/309#.Xl2tXUqhcaE