How Raz-Kids Impacts Third Graders’ Reading Comprehension and Attitude Toward Reading

About this Research

About This Research

In this master’s thesis, the researcher examined whether students using Raz-Kids for independent reading would show increased reading comprehension and higher motivation to read. The researcher compared students using Raz-Kids to students reading from traditional books, adding to the body of research exploring differences between print reading and digital reading.

Main Findings

Students who used Raz-Kids showed greater gains in reading comprehension and attitude toward reading than students in the control group.


Participants were 37 third-grade students in two self-contained classrooms from a Title I elementary school in rural North Carolina.

Study Design and Procedures

This study used a nonequivalent control group design. Students in the treatment group read Raz-Kids eBooks of their choice for 30 minutes three days per week for six weeks. Students in the control group read traditional books of their choice during the same amount of time and at the same frequency as the treatment group. The mCLASS Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) assessment and Garfield Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (GERAS) were used to measure reading level and attitude toward reading, respectively.


Carroll, H. (2013). Will the use of Raz-Kids during independent reading time improve third grade students’ reading attitude and comprehension? (Unpublished master's thesis). East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.

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