Raz-Kids and First Graders’ Reading Comprehension and Fluency

About This Research

In a small but well-controlled experiment with students with learning disabilities, this master’s thesis compared how much students’ reading improved before using Raz-Kids and while using Raz-Kids. The study examined reading comprehension and reading fluency separately and in relation to using Raz-Kids for independent reading in frequent sessions.

Main Findings

During the treatment phase with Raz-Kids, all students showed gains in their independent reading levels, with gains ranging from 3–8 levels. None of the students had shown gains during the baseline phase prior to using Raz-Kids. Students maintained fluency levels above 95%, although accuracy levels stayed in the “frustrational” level.


Participants were four first-grade students diagnosed with a learning disability in an inclusive classroom.

Study Design and Procedures

This study used a single-subject A-B design, in which each student served as his or her own control condition during baseline and then moved to the treatment phase. Students used Raz-Kids individually in 15-minute intervals three times per week for 16 weeks. The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) was used to measure reading comprehension and fluency.


Marchland, A. (2015). Using the Raz-Kids reading program to increase reading comprehension and fluency for students with LD (Unpublished master’s thesis). Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ.

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Raz-Kids and First Graders’ Reading Comprehension and Fluency

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