2021 Learning A-Z Year in Review
Though 2021 has come to a close, there’s still so much to celebrate! Here are just a few achievements our students have accomplished this year.
Reading Your Way From A-Z!
Learning A-Z students across the globe read a total of 78,897,783 books! That's over 11,352,383,838 pages!

Most Popular Books by State:
Let’s take a look at the geographical breakdown. Across the United States, students read:
Top 10 Internationally
These are the top ten countries by most books read, after the U.S.:
Can You Hear the Buzz?
The top five reading topics this year were:
Did You Know?
Kids read more on Tuesdays and Wednesdays compared to any other day of the week!
Kids spent over 6.7 million hours curling up with a good book to read over the weekend!
Students, on average, score higher on quizzes on Mondays!