2021 Learning A-Z Year in Review


Though 2021 has come to a close, there’s still so much to celebrate! Here are just a few achievements our students have accomplished this year.

Reading Your Way From A-Z!

Learning A-Z students across the globe read a total of 78,897,783 books! That's over 11,352,383,838 pages!

78,897,783 books read
11,352,383,838 pages read

Let’s take a look at the geographical breakdown. Across the United States, students read:

Top 10 Internationally

These are the top ten countries by most books read, after the U.S.:

Top Ten International Countries by Books Read

Can You Hear the Buzz?

The top five reading topics this year were:

Top Five National Reading Topics

Did You Know?

Days of the Week

Kids read more on Tuesdays and Wednesdays compared to any other day of the week!

Time Spent Reading on Weekends

Kids spent over 6.7 million hours curling up with a good book to read over the weekend!

Higher Quiz Scores on Mondays

Students, on average, score higher on quizzes on Mondays!

Thank you for making 2021 a year of accomplishments! We can’t wait to see what 2022 brings, and we will be there with you every step of the way!