September Issue of Science in the News
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The September 2017 issue of Science in the News focuses on popular stories in the world of science and engineering that are intriguing to young minds. This edition investigates unique obscurities that many of us have pondered or have had a hard time explaining, and describes how science is used to solve those mysteries! Through this issue students will learn: how flamingos balance on one leg, even while they are sleeping; how fidget spinners work, and why early artists painted in some caves, but not in others. The article also discusses the Cassini spacecraft’s grand finale.
Science in the News photographs and stories take students on adventures through a spectrum of science topics. Each issue includes a life science article, an engineering focused article, a physical science article and a space and science article and is leveled for early, middle, and upper elementary students. With a subscription to Science A-Z, you can get printable, projectable, and digital versions of each issue.
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