Growing Proficient Readers Through Raz-Plus
Part 1 - A Better Path to Blended Learning
What does it mean for a student to be a proficient reader? Proficient readers can not only decode sound-letter arrangements, they can also put sounds into words, understand word meanings, and how words combine to create meaning.
The Stages of Reading Proficiency
Raz-Plus builds proficient readers by helping students develop skills at every learning level. Raz-Plus resources are developed for 29 reading levels, ensuring that you can find the right lesson plan, activity, or book for all of your students. Access free samples of Raz-Plus' leveled resources.
Growing Proficient Readers
The key to growing proficient readers is blending teacher-led instruction, independent student practice, assessment, and reporting. Raz-Plus' interactive, digital platform blends these components to put students on the path to learning success. Download free samples of our blended learning resources.
Teacher-Led Instruction
Effective teaching is fundamental to guiding students to reading proficiency, and Raz-Plus has tools that ensure instruction reaches all students. Raz-Plus’ technology-enhanced features, like projectable leveled books with interactive text mark-up tools, make it easier for teachers to model reading and critical thinking strategies.
Independent Practice
With Raz-Plus, students can build upon teacher-led instruction with independent practice that helps them gain reading confidence and take charge of their own learning. Raz-Plus’ leveled printable, projectable, and digital resources include eBooks, quizzes, and activity sheets. This array of materials provides learner-centered practice for students at all levels. Students working independently have 24/7 access to a variety of level-appropriate texts.
Strategic Assessment
With printable and online assessments and quizzes that promote critical thinking and close reading, Raz-Plus can be used to place students at the appropriate reading level and evaluate students’ progress toward proficiency. The Raz-Plus teacher portal displays student scores and allows you to personalize messages to students.
Detailed Reporting
As students practice independently and complete targeted assessments, Raz-Plus allows you to create detailed reports that show how individual students and the class as a whole are advancing in reading proficiency. Raz-Plus’ reporting options include data about student activity that helps you identify students’ learning gaps and plan future instruction that addresses those gaps.
Start Your Path to Better Blended Learning Today!
Try out Raz-Plus lessons, books, and activities that help increase reading proficiency.