Literacy Instruction Basics

Helpful Tips Anyone Can Use!

Literacy Instruction Basics

Learning to read is a vastly complex process, involving exercises ranging from vocabulary acquisition to developing inferencing skills. Speaking and listening (oral language) form the foundation for the process of learning to read. Achieving literacy takes time and hard work.

So how do you teach literacy? Thousands of highly trained professionals have made answering that endlessly complex question their life’s work, but to make it easy, we’ve distilled it down to a few simple, effective, fun pointers for getting started. Let’s jump in with some of the basics!

These are the essential components of literacy:

Vocabulary for Beginners

One of the best ways to teach reading is to focus on building vocabulary skills.

Wordless Books

The simple act of telling a story creates important connections in a child’s brain.

Tactile Writing

These fun hands-on exercises can be a fantastic method for teaching spelling and phonics.

Phonological Games

It’s good for their brains to play these games, but they’ll never notice because they’ll be laughing too hard.

Story Prompts

What comes next? The ability to build on a story is a key component in reading comprehension.

Remember, everyone learns at their own pace! No two kids learn the same way, so be sure to nurture each child’s journey toward literacy.

Literacy is our mission, and we’re constantly honored to have the opportunity to help you teach kids to read. Thank you for giving us the chance to be part of your literacy journey. Be sure to try these fun activities with your young readers!