Helping Teachers Make Science Fun

Support Educators With Professional Learning

Make Science Fun Infographic

Scientific investigation is practically innate in children. Their natural desire to ask questions, test appearances, and get answers makes them ideal little scientists. Shouldn’t that mean they’d love to study science in school?

In this NAESP article, Katie Forsell (Senior Professional Development Manager at Learning A-Z) asks these questions: “If children are naturally curious about and interested in science, why isn’t it the most prevalent and popular class in schools? And shouldn’t every teacher love teaching science because children are so drawn to it?” The answer: fun is required. “Without fun, students lose interest. And without interest, teachers struggle to engage students and help them build the knowledge and the skills required for STEM careers.”

Empowering teachers to provide that kind of instruction requires professional learning. Katie came up with some solid tips for providing professional learning to help teachers make science fun. We liked them so much we turned them into an infographic!

Here are four ways to provide impactful professional learning for educators teaching science:

Make Science Fun Again Infographic

An investment in our teachers is an investment in our students. Investing in science is also investing in our future. Well-trained teachers can spark excitement about science in young minds. Take Katie’s advice, and help schools make science fun!