Webinar: Vocabulary Practice and Reading Proficiency
5 Keys to Effective Intentional Vocabulary Instruction
Now available on demand!
Join Dr. Tim Rasinski, Kent State Professor of Literacy Education, to learn how intentional vocabulary practice can be integrated into literacy instruction in a way that effectively promotes reading comprehension and proficiency.
Intended for educators of K–6 students, principals, curriculum directors, and literacy coaches, this 45-minute webinar focuses on the latest research and best practices related to integrated, intentional vocabulary instruction and practice.
The National Reading Panel (2000) identified vocabulary as one of the five critical components of effective reading curricula. A longitudinal study conducted over a 10-year span by Cunningham and Stanovich (1997) found that vocabulary knowledge in first grade predicted reading achievement in middle and high school. In practice, vocabulary instruction often ends up disconnected from what students are reading and studying, relegated to rote repetition and practice that fails to engage students or inspire inquiry.
During this webinar, attendees will discover:
- The latest research about the role of vocabulary acquisition in reading proficiency
- How to identify the challenges of teaching vocabulary, and how to overcome them by making the most of classroom time and student practice
- The five principles of effective, engaging, and intentional vocabulary instruction
- How to make vocabulary an integral part of reading instruction and practice to promote proficiency