Text-Dependent Questions{black}
Text-Dependent Questions are those that can be answered only by referring back to the text being read. Students today are required to read closely to determine explicitly what the text says and then make logical inferences from it.
More about CCSS Text-Dependent Questions
Learning A-Z Products That Include Text-Dependent Questions
Reading A-Z{black}
Reading A-Z includes a number a resources that contain Text-Dependent Questions. The product's Leveled Book Close Reading Lesson Supplements have an entire section devoted to these questions. In addition, Shared Reading Books, Close Reading Packs, and Paired Books all also contain Text-Dependent Questions.
Raz-Kids' leveled comprehension quizzes each include constructed response quiz questions designed to correlate to CCSS Text-Dependent Questions. Students must use Close Reading skills to make inferences and demonstrate understanding of the text just read.
Science A-Z{black}
Science A-Z offers teachers and students access to multiple resources that encourage students to take a deeper dive into their reading and think critically about the content. These include Quick Reads, Discussion Cards, and Unit Quizzes.
More About Text-Dependent Questions
Good text-dependent questions guarantee thoughtful consideration of the text. They will often lead students to discover something important that they may have overlooked the first time they read the text. These questions guide students to dive more deeply into the text, and to answer or identify the core understandings or insights that are essential.
Text-dependent questions can be used by the teacher to promote discussion and help students to understand even better what they are reading. They can be used to start student discussions and give students opportunities to discuss the text with each other and to voice their opinions.
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