New Storylines From Science A-Z

New Storylines From Science A-Z

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) add complexity to the landscape of challenges faced by science teachers. Encouraging a cohesive, synergistic three-dimensional approach covering Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), Crosscutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices, NGSS also requires the fulfillment of defined objectives for each grade level within a prescribed scope and sequence of lessons.

The new complete K–5 Storylines curriculum from Science A-Z delivers an entire year of ready-to-use instructional resources to help teachers successfully and easily address NGSS. And with additional Storylines, teachers will appreciate the ease of having a full year's curriculum at their fingertips, addressing all 21 NGSS topics from grades K–5!

Storylines - Shaping the Earth

Carefully designed to help teachers address all three dimensions of NGSS within one coherent sequence of lessons, each Storyline targets a bundle of Performance Expectations within a grade-specific NGSS topic. Students explore Disciplinary Core Ideas and Crosscutting Concepts by engaging in Science and Engineering Practices, providing them with an integrated, three-dimensional learning experience.

Teachers have a full year's curriculum at their fingertips, addressing all 21 NGSS topics from grades K–5.

For the 40 U.S. states that have adopted NGSS or standards based on the framework, Storylines are an ideal solution for smoothly incorporating instruction, practice, and assessment. Students build depth of knowledge, pose their own questions, and create their own learning path to discover the answer or explanation to a scientific phenomenon. Embedded performance assessments after each lesson and at the end of each Storyline (shown below) measure student learning.

Storyline - Shaping the Earth

These comprehensive, easy-to-use instructional resources provide the integrated, three-dimensional learning experiences required by NGSS within a simple series of lessons covering the entire school year. Offering a standards-aligned curriculum that's easy to implement, Storylines save teachers time so they can focus on what matters: helping every student get excited about science!

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* Next Generation Science Standards is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.