Inspire Curiosity With Raz-Plus
Take a (Brain) Break!
Did you know that taking learning breaks throughout the school day actually allows the brain to compress and consolidate what was just learned?*
Take a break from your classroom routine with these SEL video activities from UNICEF. Short, quick, whole-class video activities provide a quick break and help strengthen Social-Emotional Learning competencies.
*Youki Terada. “ We Drastically Underestimate the Importance of Brain Breaks.” 21 April 2022.
Engage in Culturally Responsive Conversations
Rooted in Social-Emotional Learning, the Meaningful Conversations collection presents culturally responsive content in multiple formats. Offering teacher-led guided discussion activities, this solution helps educators safely address important topics—like bullying, working together through difficult times, and differences in abilities—through inclusive and respectful classroom dialogues. Log in to your Raz-Plus account to view Meaningful Conversations resources. (Also available in Spanish!)
Recommended PD: Supporting Social-Emotional Learning With Raz-Plus
Set a Benchmark
Benchmark Assessments are perfect for measuring student progress throughout the school year to understand each student’s strengths and challenges. Assigning Benchmark Assessments throughout the year helps show progress made over time, further supporting classroom data to inform and differentiate instruction.
Recommended PD: Exploring Benchmark Assessment Tools in Raz-Plus
Keep Struggling Readers Interested
It’s hard for students to stay engaged if they’re struggling and feeling frustrated. Help those readers build vocabulary and background knowledge by sharing high-interest concepts at lower levels of text complexity. Just look for the IGNITE logo to find High/Low Text Sets and High/Low Graphic Books that are paired with instructional materials and aligned to content-area standards.
Recommended PD: Explore Raz-Plus Resources to Accelerate Learning
Raz-Plus Español: A New Add-On for Raz-Plus Users
Give your dual language students más posibilidades with:
- Authentic Spanish texts and transadapted resources
- An Español Reading Room
- Spanish resources to build phonics skills
- And more!